Friday, June 05, 2009

something weird happened today.....

So, during my pregnancy I played Ryan piano music almost every day from about 18 weeks up until the day I lost him. There was one track in particular that would ALWAYS make him move. #8 on my oceanside piano disk. It was weird, I would play the whole cd and he'd kick a little bit but all of the sudden he'd start kicking like crazy and every time it happened I'd look down and it'd be track #8! When I returned to work I copied my CD and brought it in to listen to for nap time music. We always put the disk on "repeat all" so it goes through the cd over and over again. Earlier in the week however I noticed that it had started playing #8 a few times in a row. I walked over to the CD player and instead of saying "repeat all" it had changed to "repeat". No one had touched it but I figured I must just be insane to think anything of this. Well today we had the cd on again and again it was on "repeat all" and for 3 hours it had played through the cd over and over again....then all of the sudden I again realized it had played #8 several times in a row. I walked over and again instead of being on "repeat all" it was just on "repeat" again. None of the kids can reach the CD player. My co-teacher said she didn't touch it and she also does not know the relevance of this particular song so she would have no reason to touch it. I couldn't help but to get a huge (genuine) smile. Those are few and far between as I imagine all of you know. I felt like it had to be a sign from my Ryan........

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